The Mission of Southeastern Developmental Services Inc. is to support individuals with developmental disabilities within their local communities, to assist in the person achieving their fullest potential for vocational and integrated living, and becoming an integral and responsible community citizen.

Supported Living
Options & Fullfilment
A key concept for the SLS program is the flexibility to individualize services; services can be center, home or community based; within time frames that consumers dictate; and in collaboration with other agencies or concerned individuals. Each consumer participates in the development of a Service Plan (SP) which outlines the nature and scope of services and supports which are to be provided by SDS.
There are 17 services provided through the SLS waiver:
Assistive Technology
Behavioral Services
Day Habilitation – Specialized Habilitation
Day Habilitation – Supported Community Connections
Supported Employment
Home Accessibility Adaptations
Homemaker Services
Personal Care
Personal Emergency Response System
Professional Services
Specialized Medical Equipment and Supplies
Vehicle Modification
Non Medical Transportation