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Agency Operations

Choices and Dreams

Case Management Director provides leadership and direction to SDS’s case management team.  The team believes that each individual with a disability should be treated with dignity and respect and that they have a unique purpose with individualized goals, dreams and desires for a meaningful life within their community. 


Southeastern Developmental Services Case Management utilizes all of the resources assigned by the State. 

They serve individuals in:


  • Comprehensive Residential Services through the HCBS-DD waiver

  • Supported Living Services Medicaid SLS Waiver

  • State SLS Waiver

  • Targeted Case Management (TCM) services in Early Intervention

  • Targeted case management in CHCBS waiver and CES waive


The Case Management Team has an understanding of what services are available, along with a personalized depth of each consumer's desires.  Their task is to match these to offer an optimum plan for each individual with a developmental disability.  The service plan is ever changing and can be revised as each client evolves.


We believe that hearing from our community is crucial.  Our goal is to evolve as our consumers needs change.  Always remember, your opinions matter to us.  

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